December, 2003
- MeRrY
ChRiStMaS!!!! (Floggin' the Yule Log - Vol. II)
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!
- More
- Syndicated
ARTICLES section debuts!
- More
LINKS added!
- The
First INTIMATE AUDIO CD on its way!

Reckon it's that
time of year againand the annual Floggin'
the Yule Log tradition continues!
Like last year,
the princess of the ol' posse (Jenschka) and I improvised/arranged
a handful of Christmas classics as fast as possible, cuttin' 'em
straight to my Mac for maximum cringe factor! This time we pulled
out (almost) all the stops!! Among other things, this crazy new
collection includes our first Christmas original (destined to be
a non-secular standard), "Jesus: Son of Mary, Son of God!"
All totaled (including last year's Volume I), we now got:
the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Drummer Boy
Jingle Bells
Up On the Housetop
Happy Birthday Jesus!
White Christmas
Hark the Herald Angels Sing NEW!
Jesus: Son of Mary, Son of God! NEW!
of the Bells NEW!
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen NEW!
For full details,
please peruse our increasingly infamous X-Mas page:
Issue of Guitar
One (February 2004) on Newsstands!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
Over the past
month or so, a fairly decent amount of music-making wunderkinds
have uploaded
their precious MP3s in AUDIO UPLOAD
land :) Believe it or not, this site now houses the music of OVER
70 different self-produced artists!! Who knows? Maybe more indie
oddballs will find their way over here, now that MP3.com
just died :( (Now, if I could just find a way to maintain a static
link to my yahoo.com briefcase. Any hints??) Anyways... Take in
an earful of the tasty tunes (mostly in the "singer-songwriter"
category), and read a few samples of "listener feedback"
folks have provided some of them. More people can always
post comments, y'know!!!
AND ANNIE "Sweee-eet! (That's a two syllable word) Hey
you guys! I listened to your song and I thought it was way cool!
I'll have to go and check out your website now that you got me curiousity
WEISS "This has got a nice, earthy vibe to it. I dig the
way the harmonica and other instruments are used in alternationadded/removed
at various pointsto embellish the track. Definitely offsets
the repeating bassline well. AND this guy's voice is REALLY great,
I think. Very nice. Please earball, at your earliest convenience.
(Note: The MP3 is pretty lo-fi, so it'll load speedy.)"
KERSWILL "I dig the vibe of this tunethe raw melancholy
of it. Very nice lyrics too! And nice acoustic pickin' Check this
McNEAL "Very nice acoustic guitar tone (and chords), and
nice voice too!"
LASALA (Singer-Songwriter)
GRAY "Man, I like this track! It has an atmospheric quality,
reminiscent of the instrumental portions of Jeff Buckley's 'Dream
Brother,' at least to my ears. I really like this kind of 'vibe-y'
instrumental guitar composition. Check it out!"
Please do all
these remarkable artists (and the 70+ others) the favor of letting
them know what you think of their tunes by blasting them with FEEDBACK
on this site's message board. Thanks a lot!!
(Dale Boots):
months ago, the day it was announced that the great Elliott Smith
had committed suicide (October 22, 2003), I perfomed "Moodswing
(a Jeff Buckley song) as
a tribute
at a small performance at Los Angeles City College. Since this whole
site is about "Intimate Audio," I figured I'd share...
Cruise to the DALEBOOTS
page for more information (and an MP3 of me "losing it"
a little in my spoken
ARTICLES section debuts!:
Feel the need
to read? Urine luck! I've just added a new section to this site
entitled ARTICLES. There, you'll find
an ever-growing collection of syndicated musician articles, including
songwriting tutorials, music promotion tips, home recording 'how
to,' and more! (Courtesy of MusicDish
Network) This section will always be added to (without being
announced), so please check back if you dig this kind of stuff :)
this past month, I've added a ZILLION links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
First INTIMATE AUDIO CD on its Way!
Last, but definitely
not least, I figured I'd mention that in early January 2004, the
first official INTIMATE AUDIO CD, entitled Interpretations,
will be made available! This 10 song disc consists of intimate recordings
of solo arrangements for acoustic guitar and voicesongs ranging
from Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" (the entire thing) and the
Beach Boys' "God Only Knows," to Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" and
Jimi Hendrix's "Castles Made of Sand." (All songs used by permission,
with mechanical licenses obtained.)
The performer??
Drum roll please...... ME!!!! :) There's some pretty different
stuff on this, IMHO. (Here's a small
taste.) The CD is dedicated to my mother, Jeff Buckley, and
a few of my friends. More info will be posted shortly, but I just
wanted to throw down a little "teaser" for ya! And, of
course, inform you that INTIMATE AUDIO is now officially a li'l
indie record label, of sorts :)
thanks for continuing to direct your web browser to this neck of
cyberspace, and for helping make this another great year for independent
music. It is appreciated! :)
a safe and happy holiday, and inspired New Year!!
October, 2003
just found out the great ELLIOTT
SMITHat the prime age of 34is no longer with
us, deceased from an apparent
suicide on October 21, 2003. I cannot believe this. A MONSTER
creative musician and huge inspiration to countless singer-songwriters
(many people know of his work through the Good Will Hunting
soundtrack), this loss cannot be measured. I'm deeply saddened...
it. Though I've known his work since around 1998, I feel like I
just really got into a him. If his source of depression...or
whichever drove him towards this end...was in any way industry-related,
or anything of that sort, I'm going to be very upset. I pray
he knew how appreciated he was... This is completely unfair...

Photo: Dreamworks
in peace, you gentle genius... I miss you, and I don't know you
at all... All your fans sure would've loved to have gotten to know
you betterin any capacity... I hope you had some idea of that.
There are a LOT of people with tears in their eyes right now...
OF US IS ON THE MOON" (MTV.com Tribute)
October, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
- PsYcHo
LiCkS Updated!
- John
Frusciante Mini-Tribute!
- More
- More
LINKS added!
- Total
Site Redesign!
Issue of Guitar
One (December 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
I FINALLY got to write something fairly in-depth in a guitar magazine
about Mr.
Jeff Buckley! This piece appears in the form of a "mini
lesson" on pages 21-22, written in response to a reader question,
and addresses Jeff
Buckley's tunings and favored approach towards chord
voicings. Short, but sweet!
Also, for what
it's worth, in this issue's "Virtuosos" Riff Box, I packed
a lot of the text with quotes from past interviews I've conducted
with Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, and
George Lynch. Most of these quotes have not appeared in-print before
And on the subject
of virtuosos...(virtuosi??) It was an absolute pleasure getting
to hang with one of my all-time favorite "shred" guys,
Tony MacAlpine,
for this issue's Now & Then installment! What a multi-instrumentalist
badass!!! Check him out!!
Also, be sure
to check out www.intimateaudio.com's UPLOAD artist and picking pal,
Ken Snyder's
killer ad on p. 22!!
LICKS Updated:
I know, it's been
tooooooo long since we had a new lesson happening 'round here (*sniffle*)...
So how does yet another acoustic fingerstyle lesson, added
to this site's PSYCHO LICKS lessons
page, sound?
Due to the overwhelmingly
positive response I got from last July's Travis Picking lesson,
this time I've created an instructional piece about adding
ornaments to open-position chords. Never again will you need
to play the same old arpeggio patterns every time you use your fingers
to pluck out open-position shapes like
E, Em, A, Am, D, Dm, C, G, and B7! I could blather on about it,
but I'll spare you! Just check it out, when you feel like pluckin'
Chord Ornaments: An Acoustic Fingerstyle Lesson
Frusciante Mini-Tribute:
Okay, let me be
clear about something right away! This "mini
tribute" for one of my favorite guitar playing songwriters,
John Frusciante, is not (yet) at the same scope of the Jeff
Buckley and Brian Wilson
tributes I've placed on this site. It's a different dealessentially
calling attention to the Guitar One John
Frusciante Guitar-Style Lesson links I've had here for a while
now (PDFs of the lesson, with MP3s), which a lot of people haven't
noticed yet. I've totally re-done that mini lesson page to include
some info about the three interviews I was fortunate enough to conduct
with the man, as well as some other nuggets of knowledge. I'll also
be adding more content to this tribute in the very near future!
Until then, Froosh fans are encouraged to click HERE
and enjoy :)
Looks like a few
more cool songs have been uploaded to the ol' AUDIO
UPLOAD page (as well as this site's REAL
AUDIO STREAMING broadcast of indie tunes) over the past month!
For starters, we got a really nice mood piece in the "ambient"
vein, courtesy of Mantra
Chord. In addition to that tasty track, a couple modern rockersMichael
Adam Pollack and a band called Risehave
also made their recent masterpieces available to our ears!
do all these remarkable artists (and the 60+ others) the
favor of letting them know what you think of their tunes by blasting
them with FEEDBACK
on this site's message board. Thanks a lot!!
this past month, I've added a ZILLION links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
Site Redesign!
Those of y'all
who've found your way back to this neck of cyberspace in recent
weeks (thank you!) have probably noticed the unthinkable: I totally
redesigned this site! Now everybody's browser/screen resolution/window
size should be happy, and navigation should be a little less confusing
:) Hopefully y'all like what you see and hear 'round here! It's
certainly been fun :) AND there's much more to come next
month, so please stay tuned...
again for surfing back to www.intimateaudio.com!! And HaPpY HaLlOwEeN,
in advance!!
"Ooga-Booga" Turner
September, 2003

mark tucker
image source: The
Shawn Lane Pages
(used with kind permission)
I've just
been informed that Shawn
Lane passed away Friday night (September 26, 2003) at the age
of 40. Please visit The
Shawn Lane Pages to post your condolences to his friends and
I've had
the great fortune of experiencing hearing/seeing this phenomenal
musician live, numerous times. I'm deeply saddened that none of
us will ever have the opportunity to do so again. But his musicto
say nothing of his great inspiration to the guitar communitywill
no doubt live on. I'd write more, but I think it's better if I just
put some of his tunes on instead... He was the king of tasteful,
blazing guitar.
uninitiated are invited to CLICK
(Hopefully no one objects to this...)
Maestro Lane
September, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
- More
- More
LINKS added!
- WTF?!
Am I Seeing... ADs???!!!
Issue of Guitar
One (November 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
I'm gonna tell you flat out that this issue's Yngwie
lesson RULES!!!! The whole freakin' thing focuses on linear
patterns the monstrous Malmsteen uses to blaze along the neck (as
opposed to across), moving up/down along a single string set for
maximum shredding effect. There are a lot of things in this lesson
that I've yet to see printed in any other... AND this is the third
lesson I've conducted with him :) As usual, it was an honor. Contrary
to the opinion of some, he's ALWAYS been an entertaining gentleman:
Funny, and very informative. (Amazing what happens when he's interviewed
by a person who respects him!) So... I reckon guitar freaks will
flip over this. AND y'all MUST go see him, Vai, and Satch on this
Fall's G3 tour.
This will be the muther of all of 'em :)
should also add that I had an absolute blast creating this issue's
lesson on Rockabilly.
This one's got loads of useful boogie patterns, double stop licks,
chord voicings, single-note lines, and electric Travis Picking patterns
to play. Enjoy!!
Over the past
month or so, a CRAZY amount of music-making wunderkinds have uploaded
their precious MP3s in AUDIO UPLOAD
land! Take a gander at this ultra-eclectic collection (with a few
samples of "listener feedback" I personally provided some
of them). (Hint: More people can always post comments, y'know!!!)
SMITH (Singer-Songwriter)
McKEON & LYNN MONK (Singer-Songwriter)
DICKIE (Singer-Songwriter)
WILKEN "Okay. I know I've posted some comments flipping
out over how great some of the youngsters are who've treated us
to their tunes and phenomenal playing ability, as of late. Well....
This particular guywho's a mere 15 years oldis in a
whole 'nother category, I feel. (No offense to anyone here! Read
on, you'll catch my drift...) Sure, the playing's great (on piano
AND guitar). BUT... I've NEVER heard any 15-year old (let alone
most 'adults') come up with a KILLER set of chord progressions like
this. Sophisticatedly beautiful, emotionally wrenching, dark, different...
Some art happening here. (The recording itself is relatively 'lo-fi.')
What I'm talking about first occurs at the [1:23] minute mark (WAIT
for it), with the entry of the primary vocal. Un-freaking-believable
changes, 'specially for a young'un!! (No, I'm not liking them just
because they're 'different,' or 'complicated,' or whatever. All
I care about is the end result--the sound and reaction it stirs
within the listener. ME, in this case!) This guy, who's also nice
as heck (and smart...and funny!) in his e-mail correspondence to
me, has some SICK potential, I feel. I can't wait to hear more!
I hope he's getting encouragement from those around him. And I hope
my blathering doesn't contribute to any head swelling!"
GOURDS (Modern Rock)
GRAHAM "Wow! Another great, young picker!! This cat's only
20... Listen to him blaze ever so tastefully in this tune's final
moments. AND he's a tasty melodicist as well. (The song's opening
chord voicings are nighty purty too!) Nice work!"
ALEXAKIS "Man, it's getting scary 'round here! This cat's
got some great intervallic rock lines up his sleeve, pretty sickeningly
cool legato chops, and has a great ballsy rock feel! Shred-heads
(à la, fans of Petrucci and Satch) will definitely dig this
dude! I'd certainly like to hear more 'tunes' from this young gun
(he's 25), but this song is without question a great vehicle to
display this player's prowess! Definitely lives up to the name 'High
ROLAND "This is a cool, trippy, instrumental reggae track!
Check out the crazy keyboard lines! Nice vibe to this jam :)"
Please do all
these remarkable artists (and the 50+ others) the favor of letting
them know what you think of their tunes by blasting them with FEEDBACK
on this site's message board. Thanks a lot!!
this past month, I've added a ZILLION links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
should also point out that my super sweetie of all possible sweetie
pies has just launched her new site in space du cyber: www.JenniferRybine.com.
Jennifer (a.k.a. "Jenschka") is constantly breaking new
ground as a vocalist, lyricist, songwriter, pianist, guitarist,
and fine artist (from painting, drawing, and sculpture, to stained-glass
and computer generated visualssee her web
site for samples). She's also recently ventured into web design!
In that particular area, Jenschka will utilize her creative eye,
attention to detail, and knack for organization to help others realize
their own personal vision on the web! FYI, in addition to being
a landscape enthusiast, Jenschka's also somewhat of an underground
comic sensationthe other half of the "Buck and Mildred
Hicks" musical duo responsible for last Winter's soon-to-be-classic
Christmas MP3 EP, Floggin'
the Yule Log! (Stay tuned for a secondand even more frighteninginstallment
later this winter!) Jen's favorite quote? "Oh my God! That
man just kissed his cataloupe!"
Am I Seeing... ADs???!!!
Okidokee... Some
of y'all have probably noticed I've been experimenting with placing
selected "ads" (Egadz!!) on certain pages within IntimateAudio.com.
This is all the result of some bloody useful stuff I've just finished
reading, in a book which focuses on Internet Music Promotion. For
what it's worth, ALL of the ads (except for one... a li'l "pop-under"
ad) are 100% hand-picked by me because I feel they are ALL worth
checking out. (I personally own, or was directly involved in creating,
most of the things I'm bothering to "plug.") I just happen
to now get an eensy weensy commission on some of the showcased items
I'm listing :)
What am I talking
about?? Well, just cruise on over to ANY one of the lessons pages
within the 100% free PSYCHO LICKS
guitar instruction section. Depending on the topic covered in that
particular lesson, along the left side of that page I've selected
TONS of useful instructional videos, books, and other small items
that I feel are worthy ways to supplement the ol' learning experience.
Meanwhile, at the bottom of most lessons pages, I've listed a bunch
of recordings I feel are "essential listening" for that
particular style. That means that a "jazz
guitar lesson" will also list a bunch of useful jazz guitar
instructional books, videos, and recordings; a "Hendrix-style"
guitar lesson lists a bunch of his best TAB books, certain effects
boxes, essential CDs; an "acoustic
guitar" feature lesson might include links to check out
capos, thumbpicks; my favorite acoustic strings (John Pearse!),
etc.; a fire-breathing "shred
lesson" will also include links to products from the "who's
who" of the genre. You'll also find a bunch of links to guitar-specific
music theory books, and other cool stuff. Just think of this as
a bonus service. Obviously there's no obligation. But believe me,
I definitely went the extra mile, spending a lot of time
sorting out nothing but cool, useful geetar stuff :)
Meanwhile, here's
a small sample of a great album I might plug somewhere:
of My Top-10 Favorite Albums of All Time:
In addition, independent
musicians participating in AUDIO UPLOAD
will also note that I've placed a couple hopefully not-so-annoying
small ads on the lower left-hand side of those pages. (Click HERE
for a sample.) Right out of the gate, let me apologize for doing
this without making any prior announcement!!!! (I should also let
y'all know that this site is going to go under a fairly massive
visual overhaul in the near future, so these little ads will be
far less noticeable.) But let me say, the two li'l products I'm
plugging are useful to indie musicians, otherwise there's
no way in heck I'd bother slapping them up there :) Here are their
links/banners, FYI:
For the record,
let me also say that this site's 100% free content (the in-depth
guitar lessons, a place to upload original music, etc.) will not
be going anywhere!!! I'm just trying to take this 100% independent
operation to the next level. It's comin'... :)
Thanks for taking the time to cruise back into this neck of cyberspace!!
It is appreciated! :) And please let me know if these li'l
ads cause any problems with your browser (or if they adversely impact
your page load time). I'll do whatever I can to make this place
a fun, interesting, useful hang :)
July, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
- Hard
Rock Solos Book Released!!
- PsYcHo
LiCkS Updated!
- More
- More
LINKS added!
- Syndicated
INDIE NEWS column debuts!
- Intimate
Audio's Two-Year Anniversary!
Issue of Guitar
One (September 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
then! If you've been hankering for a handful of everlasting phrases,
useful for unloading while jamming over blues, country, jazz, and
rock styles, I think you'll get a lot out of this issue's Lesson
Lab: 25 Licks You Must Know! I packed this puppy with timeless
licks in the styles of prized pickers ranging from B.B. King, Albert
King, Eric Clapton, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, to Albert Lee, Charlie
Parker (okay... I know he's not a "picker"), Jimmy Page,
and Gary Rossington (among a host of others). Fun, useful stuff,
I reckon...
Also, given the
fact that a couple people have recently e-mailed me (and posted
on the ol' MESSAGE
BOARD) with questions about how monster legatoist Allan Holdsworth
plays some of his knuckle-busting chords, it's kinda nice that I
got a chance to include some info on them in the Noise
& Feedback section of this issue. Nice, colorful sounds
applicable to a variety of styles (i.e., not just freakshow fusion).
Check 'em out!
Meanwhile, fans
of Styx and Damn Yankees will no doubt dig the read on this issue's
last pagea nice "update" interview with legendary
guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Tommy Shaw. What a multi-talented
monster! And, of course, the coolest of cats :)
ROCK SOLOS Book Released!:
Finally! Sometime
last fall I completed an instructional book called Hard
Rock Solos; it's just now hitting the rack! The cool thing
about this book? In addition to full-length transcriptions of solos
for 15 different revolutionary rockers (Tony Iommi, Edward Van Halen,
Randy Rhoads, Warren DeMartini, Slash, Vito Bratta, Paul Gilbert,
and more), I packed the book with loads of info about their gear,
interesting historical facts, tons of technical details for playing
their stuff, and many never-before-seen-in-print quotes from interviews
I did with some of the players themselves! To
learn more, please click on the book's image below:

LICKS Updated:
Believe it or
not, I finally updated this site's PSYCHO
LICKS lesson page, after a couple months of down time! What
do you guys/gals get this time around? How about the most in-depth
lesson to be featured on this site so far! Given that a few people
(via e-mail and the message board) have been hinting at acoustic
fingerstyle topics lately, I figured it was high time to add a lesson
that focuses on TRAVIS PICKINGa
timeless fingerstyle technique (also commonly played with pick and
fingers, or a thumbpick) named in honor of the legendary Merle Travis.
How "in-depth" are we talkin'? All in all, we got an unprecedented
NINETEEN FIGURES written in standard notation and TAB, accompanied
by stereo MP3s (all 100% free)!!!! What's more, this is also this
site's first lesson featuring acoustic guitar (recorded with an
actual mic!), exclusively. But, instead of me babbling any more
about it here, I reckon you should just check
it out yerself. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :)
Jeepers! For some
odd reason, I reckon things have been getting a little risqué
'round here in AUDIO UPLOAD land!
Let's start by
talking up the nutty nugget recently uploaded by none other than
Dr. Geoffrey Holdstrom.
(I'd type the title of the track here, but I'm a-scared! You'll
just have to earball it yerself!) Kind of a Zappa-esque groovefest,
with semi-erotic overtones... Or, perhaps you'd like to feast your
ears on the music of a model (MIKI)
who moonlights as a metalhead? (Miki's been playing geetar since
the late '80s, and is a long-time student of pickin' pal Joy
Or maybe hip-hop/rap
is more your thing? You're in luck! Sicc
Wid It Rydas have just uploaded a new track, featuring some
happening vocals in an R&B vein. Nice, lo-fi booty shakin'!
In addition, pioneering
uploaders Michael Lombardo
and Phillip Dresser have
added a couple innovative new cuts, befitting of Intimate Audio's
Avant-Rock category. Both these creative pickers have new, full-length
CDs darned near ready for public consumption. Please be sure to
check out their personal pages (which feature direct links to their
own sites) for late-breaking details!
AND, while you're
surfing, please consider doing all these remarkable artists
(and the 40+ others) the favor of letting them know what you think
of their tunes by blasting them with FEEDBACK
on this site's message board. Thanks a lot!!
this past month, I've added a ZILLION links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
INDIE NEWS column added!!:
Indie musicians
and self-producing artists will (hopefully) dig the fact that Intimate
Audio has just become a member of the MusicDish
Network! Among other things, this means we're able to legally
reprint their articles and news stories on our site! These news
stories (described as "some of the top, artist-focused, music
news drawn from Mi2N,
the largest online music newswire") are usually updated weekly,
and will appear along the upper-right side of this here news page.
Be sure to keep checking back, particularly if you want to stay
on top of the digital audio/web revolution. Pretty significant changes
appear to be afoot, most notably the ol' iTunes
Intimate Audio's Two-Year Anniversary!
Last, but definitely
not to be in the least (as the great Andy Kaufman so elegantly put!),
I figured I'd mention that this li'l INTIMATE AUDIO site has now
existed for two years, as of today! Hard to believe... Rest assured,
things will continue to expand at an ever-increasing rate (more
in-depth lessons, independent musician features/resources, interviews,
etc.)! Among other things, traffic 'round here's certainly been
escalatingwe've been sitting consistently at the "4000+
unique visitors per week" level for a couple months now. Pretty
darned cool, I reckon!! Thanks for making this all possible, cyber
thanks for directing your web browser to this neck of cyberspace!!
It is appreciated! :)
June, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
- More
- More
LINKS added!
- HaPpY
BiRtHdAy Brian Wilson! (The man's 61 today!)
Issue of Guitar
One (August 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
some tasty licks suitable for shredding in a variety of genres?
Consider learning some of the blazing phrases featured in the front
pages of this issue! I'm referring to the Editor's
Lick (which I got to "throw down" this month), and
three gnarly chromatic licks, inspired somewhat by the following
pulverizing pickers:
Gilbert (a Gilbertesque
Steve Morse/John Petrucci (a Morse/Petrucci-like
Marty Friedman (a Friedmanish
should also add that it was an ABSOLUTE HONOR interviewing Stanley
Jordan for this issue. What a monster... and a super nice guy to
boot! And, of course, I totally dug crankin up my ol' Maiden albums
for this issue's Riff Box! (Bruce Dickinson is one of the greatest
hard rock vocalists ever.)
Over this past
month, a melange (note: first time I've ever used that word)
of musical mofos have done our ears a favor by uploading MP3s of
their clever creations in AUDIO UPLOAD
land! You want diversity? Check out the KILLER modern rock track
just added by the Swedish band Candybars
(Radiohead & Coldplay fans will freak). Or crank up the
awe-inspiring axe work (and tasty as heckwith brilliant guitar
harmonies happening) of the UK's Danny
Gwilym! You can also earball a classy cut from Canada's Terry
Vezina, recorded on a four-track back in '95. (Cool chording
and fills, with a nice, relaxed vocal... sorta à la
Jerry Garcia, to my ears). Finally, consider giving the brand-new
(unfinished) Marcus Jeffery
cut a cracka jangle-y pop track "looking for a voice,"
as Jeffery himself states on his page. Curious parties are encouraged
to leave feedback/contact info in Jeffery's
Feedback area.
And on THAT subject...
Please do all
these remarkable artists (and the 40+ others) the favor of letting
them know what you think of their tunes by blasting them with FEEDBACK
on this site's message board. Thanks a lot!!
Oh yeah! I forgot
to mention that this site's INTIMATE
RADIO PLAYLIST has been totally revamped/updated. Please give
it a spin! (50 plus songs in an ultra-eclectic mix!) You will absolutely
flip over how cool this sounds:
also broke down the above Master Playlist into categories (for separate
streams), which you can view by going HERE.
Hope ya dig!!
(Dale Boots):
couple weeks ago I attempted
the great (though not-so-well-known) jazz song, "Detour
Ahead" (performed back in the day by Ella Fitzgerald and
Herb Ellis), in a tiny room occupied by some warm bodies. There
was no microphone at all, meaning it was a pure
acoustic performance (recorded to mini-disc). As usual, my voice
bugs me for most of it, but wtf? The chord work's kinda cool though!
(FYI, I played the whole thing by brushing the strings with my thumb,
instead of strumming with a pick or pluckin' fingerstyle.)
the very least, I hope someone discovers how cool this song is (not
"my" version, but the song in general, silly!).
A jazz vocalist friend of mine recently turned me on to it. Oddly
enough, after thinking I'd never heard it before, I discovered I
did have an instrumental version of it on the great, live
Bill Evans album, Waltz
for Debby. Purty funny! (FYI, the changes to Evans' versionwhich
I attempted to adapt to geetarare transcribed in The
New Real Book.)
this past month, I've added a ZILLION links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
BiRtHdAy Brian Wilson!!
Believe it or
not, this hugely influential, super-creative pop/art-rock genius
turns 61 today! Cruise over to Brian
Wilson's official message board (I think you need to register
though) and wish him a happy birthday! Or pay homage to the maestro
by checking out the monster TRIBUTE
on this site, which includes a unique INTERVIEW
I conducted with the man himself!
for taking the time to cruise back into this neck of cyberspace!!
It is appreciated! :)
May, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
- Shred
Picking PSYCHO LICKS Lesson!
- More
- More
LINKS added!
- Happy
Birthday MILES!
Issue of Guitar
One (July 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
I reckon if you're jonesing for a pretty in-depth lesson on right
hand techniques for nylon-string, this issue's Classical
Guitar Lesson is for you! I'm pretty pleased with how it turned
out... You can follow the text link above if you'd like to read
the lesson's intro and hear its soundclips. I tried to fabricate
examples that weren't the "same old thing" you get in
every classical guitar lesson. These exercises are pretty fun! Brag,
brag, brag...
LICKS Updated:
Would you believe
the last shred-oriented lesson added to this site was waaaaay back
in March 2002? Man (and woman), how time flies!
Shredders will
hopefully dig the fact that, for this month's PsYcHo
LiCkS update, I've added two long picking lines of DOOM (LICK
#29): One generated from a series of alternate picking patterns,
the other coming by way of a sweep picking motif used along the
same string set. The MP3s of these clips (the alternate
picking and sweep
picking fast versions) were taken from one of ten zillion old
tapes (this one from June 1995) I have of me trying to shred, before
my fookin' non-stop tendinitis made
it totally immpossible to solo worth dog meat. (Can I get a "poor
Dale"?) So... If you got the need for speed, consider giving
these burning babies a try! But DON'T OVERDO IT to the point of
damage, like my obsessive dorkiness did!!!!!
Yet another handful
of indie artists have opted to upload their awesome tracks on this
site's zany AUDIO UPLOAD page! Over
the course of this past month, our ears have been treated to everything
from the tasty tones and tunes of multi-instrumentalist Murasko,
the totally whacked-out klezmer punk of Gangsta
Rabbi, and a happening tribute to the late, great George Harrison
courtesy of Drew V, to the
rolicking reggae/singer-songwriter works of Mark
Faria and psychotic shred of Ken
Snyder (from his brand-new CD, One)!
Please do these remarkable artists (and the 40+ others) the favor
of letting them know what you think of their tunage by blasting
them with FEEDBACK
on this site's message board. Thanks a lot!!
(Dale Boots):
after last month's update, I performed a pretty funny version of
Cat Strut"complete with two scat solosin
front of some warm bodies; I just added it to the ultra raw "live
recordings" page on this site, known as DALEBOOTS.
It's kind of a fun, little arrangement of this now classic Setzer
tune. At the very least, try listening to that little bugger up
to the 1:39 mark for the second cat...er, scat solo. It's
sorta silly, I reckon :)
this past month, I've added a TON of links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
a little tribute to the birth of one of my all-time favorite three
musicians ever to roam this planet, Miles
Davis (b. May 25, 1926), I've uploaded an excerpt (59 seconds
long) of a recently discovered live version of me (w/trio) playing
the classic jazz standard, Nardis, recorded on a cheap
mono cassette recorder waaaaay back in April 1991:
(Head Out) April 1991
Miles rest in peace.
for visiting.
Happy Memorial Day!!!
(PS: I hope Bruce Almighty is good...)
Day Ool
April, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
- New
- Tons
O' AUDIO UPLOAD Additions!
- More
LINKS added!
Issue of Guitar
One (June 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
psychos GOTTA check out the GREAT
Marty Friedman lesson in this issue!! The stuff that came out
of him in this interview goes straight to the heart of "what's
up" with this phenomenal picker's playing stylehis unique
phrasing/touch, angular/exotic lines, assymetrical note groupings,
etc. To top it all off, it's actually funny! Some great quotes/analogies
in there, I reckon. Check it out!!!
LICKS Updated:
Figured it's been
a zillion years since I added an actual "lick" to the
PsYcHo LiCkS page; most of the new
stuff has been rhythm guitar related, so... For this installment
of PsYcHo LiCkS, I've added a handful of SOLO-OPENING
MOTIFStasty little phrases you can
use to grab a listener's attention, leading straight into the downbeat
of your rock/blues solo. All the examples are in the key
of A minor (w/Dorian shadings), end on the tonic (A), and are presented
in the same rhythm throughout, making them easy to recall. Of course,
you'll want to come up with your own rhythmic variationsexperiment
with different ending notes, and permutate them to fit over different
tonalities to get more mileage out of them. FYI, these types of
phrases are somewhat inspired by the timeless rock guitar melodies
great players like David
Gilmour, Neal Schon, Steve Lukather, Elliot Easton, Tom Scholz,
Carlos Santana, and Lindsey Buckingham (among others) use in their
songsessentially a "song within a song" approach
towards lead playing. There are eight "mini phrases" total.
Hope you dig!
What's new in
AUDIO UPLOAD land? How 'bout everything
from gnarly death metal (Dead
By Day), thumping techno (BeeStee),
and commemorative music to U.S. soldiers overseas (Big
Meat), to some sooooper-happening indie rock (BEND)!
Please let these artists (and the 40+ others)
know what you think of their material by leaving
feedback for them. Thanks a lot!!
Also, I finally
changed this site's REAL
AUDIO PLAYLISTa web radio-style, "streaming"
showcase of at least one song from each artist who has posted original
work via AUDIO UPLOAD. Not coincidentally, the first track on the
new playlist is an excerpt of a cut called "Unity,"
by my supreme pickin' pal Joy
Basu. Joy's just unleashed his long-awaited, stunning new solo
album, SinErgy,
and "Unity"
is one of his several, new, earth-shattering tracks. You can go
earball excerpts of this song, and many more selections, by clicking
his disc's image below:

(Dale Boots):
reckon it's been a few months since I added any live recordings
of my fool self to this site... So guess what? For
your listening and laughter, on
the DALEBOOTS page of this
site's RECORDINGS section, you can
hear me attempt two classics, "Unchained
Melody" (I was insipred to give this tune a try after hearing
bootlegs of the Ours' Jimmy Gnecco kick arse on it, acoustic guitar/vocal-style)
and Queen's "Killer
Queen," in front of some unsuspecting humans.
At the very least, suffer through that Queen cut till you hear how
I attempt recreating Brian May's masterful guitar solowhile
strumming my acoustic geetar! (No, it's not a kazoo!) As always,
be sure to consult the DALEBOOTS
page, for a run-down of the most noteworthy clams :)
this past month, I've added a TON of links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
if you've yet to see the FOOKIN' HILARIOUS new flick, A
MIGHTY WIND, get off yer duff and head to the nearest theater.
Mock-umentary at its most masterful... Keep yer eyes peeled for
a couple appearances in the film by Musicians Institute's own badass
bassist, Brian Allen.
March, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
ENGINE added to site!
ODDITIES Addition!
- More
LINKS added!
Issue of Guitar
One (May 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
I'll be the first to say that I'M PLEASED AS PUNCH with how this
GUITAR LESSON turned out. It was kinda tough covering a lot
of ground, given space limitations, but I thought it ended up being
a pretty cool overview of what's involved with learning how to play
within this styleyou get everything from ii-V changes (major
& minor keys) using nice root-position chord shapes, single-note
lines to navigate those changes, Wes Montgomery-style octave lines
(w/elongated ii-V chord pacing), a study on connecting chord tones
using voice leading (gets your "arpeggio" brain cells
burning), "Rhythm Changes" stuff, walking bassline basics,
and tips on using chromastric passing tones. Pleeease check it out!!
glad to hook up with Randy Bachman for our Now & Then
column. Among other things, you'll read how Mr. Bachman's gone to
great lengths towards preserving the legacy (by way of issuing previously
unreleased material submitted directly to Bachman by archivalists)
of the late, great Lenny Breau via his GUITARCHIVES
Ever wonder where
in the world of www.InTiMaTeAuDiO.com lurks that lesson on
multi-fingered tapping, chromatic passing tones, walking basslines,
or alternate picking? Maybe you wanna find what pages contain refrences
to players like Tuck Andress and/or Lenny Breau, Hendrix, Jeff Buckley
and/or John Frusciante, Yngwie Malmsteen and/or Paul Gilbert?? Or
perhaps you just wanna sort through this site's acoustic content
or music theory/ear training info? Whatever the case, the new search
engine added to this site will definitely help you hone in on whatever
it is you're looking foranywhere within this site's
100+ pages!!! Try it out!!! (All main pages contain a search
engine box at the midpoint of the vertical NavBar on the far left.)
It actually works really well...
Been practicing
too much? Burnt out? For your own diversional amusement, I just
added another nugget to the fun audio/video area of this site, known
as AUDIO ODDITIES. This new animated
ditty is a crazy (legalized by Sony) karaoke version of the Gipsy
King's "Volaré"replete with bouncing ball,
and other assorted hilarities:
this past month, I've added a TON of links to this site's LINKS
page. All of the newbies are confined to these three pages:
be with you, music makers!!!
February, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
LICKS Updated!
- New
songs added to AUDIO UPLOAD page!
- More
LINKS added!
- Navigation
Issue of Guitar
One (April 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
glad I was able to get in touch with Faith No More's Jim Martin,
as FNM is one of my favorite modern "art rock" bands.
if you're into learning a variety of key picking/plucking hand approaches
(from alternate picking/strumming, economy/sweep picking, and hybrid
picking, to fingerstyle techniques ranging from strict classical
and Travis Picking, to Flamenco), consider flippin' through ye olde
LICKS Updated:
I finally added
a new lesson to the PSYCHO
LICKS page. This one is called ESSENTIAL
features samples of the unique rhythm guitar approaches used in
rock/metal (from power chording to Hendrix-style), folk/acoustic
(jangle madness!), country, punk, ska, jazz, and moreall
stated in the context of an Am-F-C-G progression!
I intentionally left out rhythm guitar styles like funk and blues,
due to the fact that these styles typically revolve around chord
cycles or static chord vamps unrelated to this lesson's core Am-F-C-G
by hearing a variety of rhythm guitar approaches stated over the
exact same progression, you'll better hear (and grasp, from
a theoretical standpoint) the specific devices used that help differentiate
each style. There are TEN EXAMPLES in all, many of which (in the
accompanying MP3s) showcase my Strat's ever-increasing intonation
problems... (*sniffle*)
A bunch more songs
have been uploaded to the ol' AUDIO
UPLOAD page (as well as this site's REAL
AUDIO STREAMING broadcast of indie tunes) over the past couple
weeks. For starters, we got a sickening sample of "chops of
doom," courtesy of 14-year-old shred phenom Thomas
Sams (song: "Expressions");
an instrumental surf guitar band called The
Weisstronauts contributed their splashy sounds in the form of
"Dr. Sanchez (I Presume)";
singer-songwriter Adam Jensen
added a tasty new track ("Slide
Away") featuring his stellar guitar/vocal abilities; and
Juliette Esper blessed us
with a trio of jazz standards ("'Round
Midnight," "Loverman,"
and "Cry
Me a River"), demonstrating (live!) her smokin' vocals.
Earball 'em (and
the other 30+ artists contained herein) at your leisure!
o' links have also been added to the various categories that now
comprise this site's LINKS page. Here are
a few of the newbies:
what it's worth, I did a lot of behind-the-scenes tweaking of most
of the hyperlinks on this site (most should change color on mouse
over), as well as totally revamped the "link icon" system
(on the far left of each page, below the "HOME" icon)
I've been using to access pages like PSYCHO LICKS, AUDIO UPLOAD,
etc. Now they also include a text link, for easier navigation. Many
images on this site have also been finessed to include an "alt.
tag" so that, before the image fully loads, you can read what
the heck that incoming graphic is supposed to be. Hope that somehow
it or not, we editors at Guitar One magazine receive personal
letters every once in a while, either from concerned readers wishing
to correct what they believe to be an error we printed, or to thank
us for addressing/covering a subject that's close to their hearts.
In the past, these types of letters would be forwarded to me (see
FAN MAIL) by Guitar One's
"in house" editors based in New York.
once I started my web site, instead of "hard copy" versions
of letters forwarded to me, I started getting e-mails from some
of these folks directly. These pickers were pretty cool, most of
the time...
on 4 January, 2003 I received what could only be regarded as "hate
mail" from a guy who was pretty peeved over Guitar One's
annual "Best Riffs of (insert year)," a feature I've written
(to date) in celebration of the years 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.
the Who D.A.T.? page I've added a new
category, just for this particular letter: Hate Mail (*giggle*).
Wanna read it (and the e-mail exchange that followed)? Simply go
to that page, or click this HATE
MAIL link. Hopefully y'all find it as entertaining as I did!
(belated) MLK Day, V-Day, and P-Day! And thanks a lot for continuing
to peruse these pages!!
January, 2003
- Current
Issue of Guitar One on Newsstands!!
BUZZ Book Unveiled!
Photos Posted!
RADIO Launched!
- New
songs added to AUDIO UPLOAD page!
Page Revamped (and more LINKS added)!
Issue of Guitar
One (March 2003) on Newsstands!!:
following Features/Departments/Columns written by Dale Turner)
- Guitar
School: Interview
& Lesson w/Scott
- Now
& Then:
Interview w/Helmet's Page Hamilton!
- Noise
& Feedback: Buckethead
Story and Economy Picking mini-lesson!
the above Scott Henderson interview/lesson RULES! Chock full o'
BRUTAL licks, instrumental figures, concepts, and gear info! Jazz/blues/rock
pickers are gonna dig it, I reckon... The li'l bit o' Buckethead
is also a bust up!
BUZZ Book Unveiled:
Long-time readers
of G1 probably remember that, up until a year and a half
or so ago, I wrote a column called Fret Buzz, printed on that mag's
last page. (When Troy Nelson became Editor in Chief, he passed that
column's torch to me.). Well, all the columns I wrote, as well as
all the ones created by Troy Nelson, have just been incorporated
into a spiffy bookwith a CD!!
For the most part,
I'm very proud of my contributions towards that columnlots
of lead/rhythm vocabulary enriching ideas, IMHO. Please click on
the book below, if you'd like to read more:

Meanwhile, here's
the book's official blurb:
From the pages
of Guitar One magazine comes Fret Buzz, a guide to licks,
riffs, harmonic ideas, and technique for the serious blues/rock
guitarist. From the familiar to the obscure, you'll find an arsenal
of material here. Includes 33 great lessons on topics such as: country
licks, essential endings, beyond the blues box, guitar fitness,
chord connections, scale sequences, string bending, pedal tones,
harmonics, banjo rolls, fret-hand fitness and more! The accompanying
CD includes 30 demonstration tracks.
Photos Posted in PHOTO GALLERY:
Last weekend (from
Thursday Jan. 16 to Sun. Jan. 19) was the annual Winter N.A.M.M.
Showa music industry trade event where music merchants gather
at the Anaheim Convention Center and show their wares. (FYI, N.A.M.M.
stands for National Association of Music Merchants.)
I had to work at that show on Friday and Saturday, basically to
rap with gear manufacturers and help represent for Guitar
One magazine.
On Friday, I brought
my girlfriend's digital camera and snagged shots of pretty much
all the guitar (and bass) gods in attendancefrom Buckethead
(closer than any human has dared venture before!) and Steve Morse,
to John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert, Vinnie Moore, Tony MacAlpine, and
Fishbone's Norwood Fisher! (Okay, so I missed Andy Timmons, Steve
Lukather, and a few moreyou can't win 'em all!) Feast your
eyes on this site's PHOTO GALLERY
to get a glimpse of their greatness!
be some samples:
RADIO Launched!:
Christmas 2002 I was vegging (rare!) in front of my computer and
decided to drop one MP3 from each artist who had uploaded an original
song to www.intimateaudio.com into my MP3 player's PLAYLIST
folder. I hit random, kicked back, and tripped out!!
The end result was not unlike what listeners of Europe-based radio
stations might be familiar with: Total hip hodgepodge of interesting
stuff, crossing loads of stylistic boundaries. In short, it was
pretty durned refreshing!! After that experience, I basically
decided it'd SUPER COOL to see if I could somehow stream some
of these songs in successionInternet Radio-stylefrom
my site.
After much investigation,
I found that I could only stream audio files from my site using
AUDIO format. I went ahead and converted a bunch of songs, optimizing
them for 28.8k modem users (which dumbs down the audio quality),
posted the little buggers, put them in a specific PLAYLIST order,
then created a little page to hit the songs from.
as of 3 January 2003, IT WORKS!!!!!
(click on below to try)
PLAYERS, as each song comes up, the title of the track, as well
as the artist (might have to manually scroll to see it, on some
PLAYERS) are displayed. You may also skip to the next track
if you don't dig what you hear right away, though none of the song
titles will be displayed UNTIL that track has begun streaming from
the server. Do yourself a favor though and just let it play radio-style
to get the intended effect. If you've come this far, I'm pretty
certain you'll dig the experience!
So check it out!
Listen to some of the other cool things people have posted up here!
You WILL be surprised!!
Loads of new tunes
have found their way into AUDIO UPLOAD
land since last reported. We got two AWESOME, brand-spankin'-new,
ultra-intimate cuts from Il
Manifesto, a hook-heavy groovefest (w/stellar vocals) from a
female-fronted band called Scapesonik,
the jazzy vocal stylings of pianist Wendy
Skyler, a tasty R&B gem from multi-instrumentalist/vocalist
Philip Clark, the piano/vocal
prowess of singer-songwriter Adam
Jensen, some glorious acoustic/vocal numbers from Ben
Grisham, an independently-crafted country two-step
tune from Norman Lambert,
three full-length song samples of singer-songwriter excellence from
Bob Velvin and an acoustic-based
version of an otherwise electrified cut from UK funk/metal fusion
band NCTB.
Please check out
their freshly-created pages (linked to the text above) and lend
'em yer ears!! Also, consider posting your feedback (or critique)
about thie above artists' work on the MESSAGE
BOARD. Thanks!!
I finally revamped the LINKS page! I separated
the entire can of worms into the following categories, for (hopefully)
easier navigation:
We Keep (8 links)
Pickin' Pals (41 links)
Guitar Sites (22 links)
Rankings Pages (25 links)
Rings (23 links)
Training Resources (12 links)
Musicians Resources (28 links)
Record Labels (3 links)
(6 links)
Audio Link Exchange
the vast majority of new links added last month can be found in
the Guitar/Music
Rankings Pages (25 links)
category. A few
more newbies also found their way into the Independent
Musicians Resources (30 links)
section. Hope y'all
find some useful stuff there...
(belated) New Year!!
www.IntimateAudio.com NEWS Items from 2002 Have Been Archived HERE
