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In an effort to redeem myself for my lame-assed performance of the blazing blues lick depicted in last December's LICK#16, in this installment of Psycho Licks, I'm serving up a tasty two-bar phrase worthy of inclusion in any modern blues scenario. THE NOTES: Basically, this lick revolves around pitches from the E Minor Pentatonic scale (E-G-A-B-D), with the b3 (the note G) frequently bent up 1/2 strep to G# (the major 3rd of E7) and a b5 (the note Bb/A#, always bent to from the note A) thrown in for maximum bluesiness. Also, the inclusion of the note C# hints at the use of the E Dorian scale (E-F#-G-A-B-C#-D), or perhaps more appropriately (given that this lick is designed to be played over E7), the E Mixolydian scale (E-F#-G#-A-B-C#-D). THE RHYTHM: This lick is based on steady triplets (three evenly-spaced notes per beat in 4/4 time), but written in the time signature of 12/8essentially four accented beats, counted one-two-three, four-five-six, seven-eight-nine, ten-eleven-twelve. This exact rhythm is also depicted in the count-in that precedes the lick. Watch the numerous tricky position shifts! Also, once you get the basic lick down, analyze it [e.g., it starts on the b3 (G), descends to the tonic (E), pulls off to the b7 (D), etc.], then try finding other locations on the fretboard where you can unload this same type of intervallic blues line. Next, transpose the bugger to other blues-friendly guitar keys like A and G. ENJOY! (*You can hear the lick FAST by clicking HERE*) (*You can hear the lick SLOW by clicking HERE*)
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MAGNIFIED (now available through
featuring me performing all the instruments (voices, guitar, bass, real
acoustic drums, piano, accordion, and mandolin). I also produced, arranged,
engineered, and did all the artwork/illustrationsintimate audio
AND visual, lol! (Details can be seen in my YouTube:
ALBUM PREVIEW/documentary.)
Id love to hear your thoughts! Thank you :)
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LiCkS! ***